Equine Assisted Learning ​
Equine Assisted Learning
Incorporates horses for emotional growth and learning.
​ Participants learn about themselves and others by participating in structured activities, then processing or discussing feelings, behaviors and patterns. This is a powerful and effective approach that has an incredible impact on individuals, youth, families and groups, addressing a variety of mental health and human development needs. Including behavioral issues, ADD/ADHD, Post Traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, relationship problems and communication needs.
Equine education has a unique advantage that goes well beyond classroom instruction.
Horses can help children and adults learn crucial life skills that can aid them in the classroom on the job and in every day life in a fun and exiting alternative to a traditional classroom setting.
Our program runs in blocks of  6 or​ 12 weeks , focusing on on structured activities/ games with the horses that promote life skills that include
appropriate assertiveness.
Building healthy relationships
confidence and self esteem
creativity and adaptability
goal setting
leadership and team building
listening skills
problem solving
respect and trust
self control
verbal and non verbal communication

Why Horses?
Horses are a herd animal and must rely on each other for survival. Communication and discipline within the herd is crucial, ensuring their safety and survival. We as facilitators use the horse’s natural instincts and behaviors to teach the importance of non-verbal communication, developing skills at reading body language and the effects of positive and negative interactions.
Horses are non-judgemental, they do not hold grudges or form opinions based on race, sex, wealth or position within the community. They simply react to the moods and actions of their handlers.
In using horses as a teaching aid, participants are able to build self confidence, learn patience, self control, personal responsibility, appropriate assertiveness, and non-verbal communication as well as the importance of personal safety boundaries, being aware of their surroundings and teaching them respect and empathy for all forms of life.
Working with the horses can offer a pleasing distraction from the problems adults and children face at home or with their peers, offering them a “mental break”, refreshing their spirit.

Our Head Facilitator has been Certified through the Cartier Farms Equine Assisted Learning program

The Hoof Beats EAL program consists of a curriculum that drives objectives to outcomes. Each exercise is designed in a BUILDING BLOCK (TM) style. The curriculum is client centered, using horses as barometers and facilitators as guides to encourage self examination. The individual evaluation revolves around:
• The holistic nature of the horse
• Objectively driven curriculum combined with facilitation
• Experiental learning.

Contact Us
Alicorn Farm
P.O box 658
Air Ronge
e-mail alicornstables@outlook.com
Visit our Facebook page